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hi.  so, maybe what will make us the most comfortable is for me to share some random useless facts about me.  because, why not?

1.  I'm an extrovert who just recently discovered the simple joys of a private moment only to discover, simultaneously, they don't exist with two little boys literally invading my space, mind and body 24/7.  I love it so much I could cry.

2.  I stay home with those two rascals.  I love it so much I could cry.

3.  I'm married to my best friend.  he seriously makes me better.  

4.  Christ compels me.  He is my reason for being, and I struggle to make that obvious in all I do.

5.  I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy.  soooo predictable.  I know.  but maybe, just maybe that's exactly why I love them.  

6.  I always thought I would have a heap of kids.  but right now, i feel good just me, my main man and our two teeny tiny men.

7.  I have a fine arts degree, concentration photography.  but, in all honesty, I learned the bulk of what I know by just setting my camera to manual and never looking back.  

8.  I am l o u d!  I talk loud, sing loud, laugh loud, and snort loud.  I don't even try to fight it anymore. 

9.  I can't whistle.  I knooowww. ugh.

10.  I sing all the time.  music refreshes my soul and I love a l l  k i n d s of it.  I am a closet Steven Curtis Chapman fan.  I know you hear me Christian kids of the 90's!  

11.  I totally and completely suck at math.  like literally cannot even do simple multiplication in my head.  it's serious.

12.  I don't believe in making the bed. 

13.  I have Crohn's disease and manage it with my diet.  stick around, I will most certainly blog about it.  

14.  I used to be a runner.   USED.  TO.  BE.  Now I walk.  S L O W. 

15.  I am super geeky passionate about photography,  DUH.  seriously, nothing evokes emotion in me like a moment frozen in time.  so much can be communicated through a single frame.  the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" doesn't even beging to cover it in my mind.  I hope to convey at least a tiny taste of that for you.  enjoy!


CONTACT ME       Tel: 770-688-5353

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